Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Headpiece L0VE

Hey Loves!

On a random  adventure searching through my photos, I came across a few photos that I happen to love and I thought hmmm..... there is clearly and obvious reason why these pictures happen to be my favorite. That is because of my head piece choices ! I am currently obsessed with these floral turban, crown looking items.  

I am not sure how or even when the love for headpiece started. Perhaps a celebrity I admire may have been wearing one and from then walaahhh! L0L. Anyway I find that these turban, floral headpiece create a hipster, creative, and innovative way to bring spice or creativity to a regular outfit. I am all for the simple outifts, light makeup, and a turban. 

Have you all purchased a Turban or Floral Piece?


1 comment:

  1. You should get your mentor one for Christmas!! They are fire! I'd like the flowers and the head-bandy one toooooo! While you're at it, follow me at www.ThatNYNaturalista.com too! ����
